The Brinklow festival has been raising funds for community groups since it’s inauguration in 2015. As a biennial event over £35,000 has been raised for community groups and facilities. 

The festival is run by villagers on a voluntary basis with invaluable support from many community groups that has made the event such as success. Community Groups involved include the Scouts, WI, St John’s Church, URC Church, Parish Council, Village Lengthsmen, Youth Club and Brinklow FC. 

Our festival aims are to organise a fun and safe event suitable for all raising funds that provide grants to support village life. 

In 2019 over £11,000 was given to community groups to support the development of village life and ongoing maintenance of key village facilities. Funding is determined by the event committee following application from groups. 

Successful grants were awarded to; St Johns Church (window restoration), Scouts, URC Church (Porch Roof), Village Hall, OAP Christmas Lunch, Lengthsmen (equipment), Parish Council (community safety project) and Youth Club. Additionally smaller grants were given to community groups that assisted and also attended the event. 

Your support of the event in previous years has significantly supported life in Brinklow and beyond. 

Community Hall

Community Hall

The Brinklow Community Hall is a meeting point for many groups and organisations in the village.

St John’s Church

St John’s Church

St John's Church Brinklow is a 13th century stone building that received a grant to support it's ongoing restoration.

Brinkow 1st Scouts

Brinkow 1st Scouts

The 44th Coventry (1st Brinklow) scouts have over 50 members meeting weekly in their own scout HQ located behind the village hall. Boys and Girls from all the scouting sections…

Posted in Information.