The 44th Coventry (1st Brinklow) scouts have over 50 members meeting weekly in their own scout HQ located behind the village hall. Boys and Girls from all the scouting sections (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venture) undertake a wide range of activities, learn new skills and play games. The scouts also regularly take part in area events and camps including the annual raft race, which the group are multiple time winners!
The Scouts were heavily involved in the Scarecrow Festival in selling food and drink via the extremely popular BBQ and fund raising. Older scouts were involved in festival marshalling, car parking and signage.
The group was awarded a grant of £2,500 which was split between new equipment for Canoeing, new tent equipment and air riffle training. Additional funds were used for ongoing repair and maintenance of the Scout HQ Building and Grounds – including new fencing.